Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Yellow-bellied birds, butterflys, and the beach

Samara. It's on the Pacific Coast of northern Costa Rica. Another postcard from the edge.

After having a reunion in the oasis of Las Vegas, James invited me down here to his property, Colours Oasis, a resort in San Jose in the mountains. We're currently creating a new marketing strategy while hiding at his rugged beach club on the waterfront in a tiny village called Samara.

The roar of the morning waves entices me to the beach at sunrise. At night, the ocean's song is drowned by the tropical rains and the frogs which guard our perimeter just 50 paces from high tide. But sometimes we catch a stunning sunset.

This morning our local gecko woke me early, and when I was dressed in my bathers and crocs, I walked the path to the sea and saw a yellow-bellied bird, seagulls, and the first monarch butterflies of the season. Made up for the lack of sea shells.

More tales from the city when I'm back in San Jose - if ever!


boulderclosetlady said...

Wow...my traveling friend is at it again! We will be in CR this winter and will check this place out as well.
All is well in sunny Colorado

DeeTouringDee said...

Great to hear from you. See you in Costa Rica later this year, eh?